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“Birdman” (2014) Dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu


Recently, superhero stories have become a favorite theme for viewers. We have not grown tired of reliving the story of the marginalized hero, the one that ignores his potential and lives an ordinary life, but at the same time, predictably, is called upon for a…

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“Zoo” (2007) Dir. Robinson Devor


In their documentary, director Robinson Devor and writer Charles Mudede narrate a case of accidental death from bestiality which occurred in Enumclaw, Washington in 2005. This case put a focus on the absence of bestiality restrictions in that state, the only place in the United…

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“The man who laughs” (2012) Dir. Jean-Pierre Améris


There is something disturbing and fascinating about the image of a clown in the movies. It is a somewhat magical character, that lacks the judgmental attribute of human beings. Hidden beneath the excessive make-up and costume is the common denominator. The clown challenges the barriers…
